Viva la Vida with A.T. Conference 2025!
Welcome to TTAP’s annual Assistive Technology (A.T.) Conference! We invite you to join us again for amazing spotlight presenters, cutting edge concurrent sessions, and a packed Exhibit Hall showcasing all of the latest technologies! There will be added opportunities to collaborate and network within and across professions as well as explore inter-agency connections that support the full life spectrum of Texans with disabilities, their caregivers, and their support networks.
Our mission is to increase access for people with disabilities and those who are aging to Assistive Technology (AT) tools and services. AT may provide these Texans with more control over their immediate environments; an enhanced ability to function independently; potential access to education, vocation and employment; and more opportunities for recreation/leisure activities and community engagement. We support and develop programs to improve access, advocacy, and awareness of AT to meet the needs of Texans with disabilities and those who are aging.
The Texas Technology Access Program (TTAP) leads the state's efforts to carry out the federal 21st Century Assistive Technology Act. Additional information on state AT Programs can be found at the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center.
TTAP provides AT Device Loans, Demonstration Centers, Recycle/Reuse Programs, and Financing. Additionally, we provide AT training, information and assistance, public awareness, technical assistance, and custom activities. Please contact us for any of these services.
Explore 3D Printing and Fabrication with TAMALES!

Join the Texas Assistive Technology Makers Alliance, or TAMALES, and learn how to make gadgets to help people with disabilities.
Upcoming Events

TTAP Report Infographics
ATAP ROI for AT Programs Nationally
TTAP Information in other languages
TTAP en Español
TTAP en Español
Diagrama de flujo de la tecnología de apoyo
AT3 flujo de servicios de tecnología asistencial