TTAP received a Priority Impact Quality of Life grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation to support accessible video gaming.
The grant will enable TTAP to purchase accessible video gaming items for our short-term (35 days) Loan Library so that consumers can try the tools before they buy the tools.
Playing Xbox with copilot turned on
Playing Xbox with copilot
Xbox Adaptive Controller with switches
Xbox Adaptive Controller
Alternative computer access for video gaming
Alternative Computer Gaming Access
Accessible Video Gaming Resources
For Gamers
All Access Life and their YouTube Channel
GMTK- game reviews
Ratings from the Entertainment Software Rating Board
For Builders and Makers
One Switch (scroll to bottom- DIY kits)
For Computer Access
Invite TTAP to your Video Gaming Event!
Need some help?
Would you like an accessible gaming demonstration?
Do you want to host an accessible gaming clinic or event?
Are you hosting an event that involves gaming and want to ensure it is accessible to all participants?
Do you need a short-term 35 day loan of accessible gaming equipment from TTAP's Loan Library?
TTAP can help!
Special Thanks to AbleGamers© Charity

AbleGamers© made a generous donation of equipment to TTAP!
TTAP received a variety of switches, adapted foot controllers, accessible controller mounting tools and an Alienware gaming computer. This will enable TTAP to loan more accessible gaming equipment to gamers with access needs.
THANKS AbleGamers©!